What's the greatest news you've ever heard?

 Christianity Explored is a series of videos that takes a deep dive into the good news of Christianity. 

All of the video series (including one aimed at young people) is free to watch on YouTube until June 30th. Please follow this link to their YouTube channel. To find out more about Christianity Explored, check out their website

While they're designed for you to watch alone, we would recommend sharing the experience; ask a Christian family member or friend to watch the videos with you, to give you support or to answer any questions you might have. If you don't have a Christian friend, then please get in touch. We would love to help you in whatever way we can.

Got Questions?

If you have a specific question, need more information, or want to find someone to watch the series with, fill in the contact form below. We'll get back to you ASAP. 

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